
  1. Take the Kompac off the machine and separate the rollers. Place the Kompac on a sheetof white bond paper on a light table. Bring the rollers slowly together until they just touch.-make a complete revolution of the rollers. No light should show through. Light would showonly through depressed spots in the rollers (Low spots.) Operators putting excess pressure between rollers to compensate for low spots often cause ink burst marks (tracks) in the printedcopy, sometimes confused with gear streaks or toning at the outer edges of the plate.
  2. Calibrate the unit: Separate the rollers with the numbered calibrating knobs, disregarding thenumbers. Use two strips of paper to set a slight drag equally on each side of the roller. It is importantto the operation of the Kompac that the rollers are as parallel as possible.
  3. Remove the small outer slotted screw from the calibration knobs and use a 3/32 hex wrench toloosen and reset the knobs to corresponding numbers.
  4. Replace and retighten screws with both knobs set at the number “1”. “0” should separate therollers, “2-2’/2” should be the operating position.
  5. The numbers on the calibrating knob should always correspond when the rollers are exactlyparallel. Never operate the unit with the knobs out of calibration after they have been set correctly.
  6. With a plate on the machine, set the Kompac in the brackets on the machine without the spring.Let the Kompac fall down on the plate cylinder to assume a parallel position on the plate cylinder.Tighten the Kompac to a slight drag in the slotted brackets to hold the unit in place.
  7. Hand operate the machine to ink up the Kompac and take an ink stripe. There should be an exact parallel stripe across the plate. (Do not Operate the machine under power without the springsattached.)
  8. If the stripe is not parallel tap the slightly tightened Kompac up or down in the slot until it makes aperfectly parallel stripe.
  9. Tighten the Kompac in the brackets and attach the springs.
  10. With the plate still attached, operate the Press in the water position and adjust the unit to a veryslight bounce evenly on both sides. Do not operate the machine with excessive bounce.
  11. Add ink to the press and ink up the plate to a dense black. Stripe the Kompac form to be certainthe roll is parallel. If not, make a slight adjustment.
  12. Allow the form and fountain rolls to make contact for 10-15 seconds, place the single lever in thewater position, use the hand wheel to make a rapid 1/4 inch turn opposite the nip. The ink burst stripshould be approximately 1/8 and parallel. This will show the rollers are correctly calibrated.
  13. Check the PH of the fountain solution. Use the manufactures minimum recommendation usually4.0 – 4.5 acid and 5.5 – 6.0 alkaline.
  14. Add fountain solution to the Kompac and with the press operating at a slow speed drop the formon the inked plate.
  15. After dropping the Kompac rollers on the inked plate, the rollers should begin removing the inkevenlyacross the plate within 4-5 revolutions and clean the plate completely and evenly across in 20-25revolutions.
  16. With the press off and the Kompac lifted off the plate, the plate should immediatelybegin drying evenly. Patches of water or excess water at the bottom of leading edges indicate morepressure is needed between rollers.
  17. Excessive revolutions or inability of Kompac to remove ink from the plate indicate more water –or less pressure between the roller nip.
  18. An area left inked in the middle of the plate can mean a slight low spot in the rollers of the unit.
  19. An uneven cleanup across the plate means the rollers are not parallel.
  20. Water droplets or a complete instant removal of ink along the edge of the plate indicate leakingseals, or a weak pressure – plate ‘against the seal.
  21. If rollers leave a residue or spots of balled-up ink segments, check chemicals or PH.
  22. Kompac should remove all ink leaving a shiny, clean plate.
  23. If the plate is clean at the front edge, but tones at the trailing edge, more pressure is needed formto plate. 24. Ink piling at lead edge bend of plate indicate too much roller pressure, glazed rollers, orchemicals causing excessive need of pressure.
  24. A small amount of buildup in the plate edge over long runs is common. Stop the press and cleanleading edge when needed.
  25. Kompac will not operate properly with:
    1. Low spots in the rollers
    2. Glazed rollers
    3. Long or excessively soft ink or ink mixed with certain dryers
    4. Unbalanced PH in water fountain solution
    5. Rollers not parallel across plate
    6. Kompac tilted or binding in mounting frames
    7. Certain fountain solutions and inks are not compatible with the Kompac
    8. Paper plates made by certain manufacturers without their recommended
Varn Kompac Manual

Varn Kompac Iii Manual

We are using polly plates. 3-4 oz of Nikken Mark III w/ 1/4 to 1/2 oz of gum arabic per gallon of drinking water (not tap water). We use Varn's California wash and Hamada Compressable blanets, per our service persons recomondation. The pressure should be okay they just reset the amount of plates cylinder packing and reset all of the roller. Kompac IV Products (2) Kompac Repair & Rebuilding (2) Kompac TechTips (2) MONTHLY SPECIALS (3) PressTips- (39) SUCKER FEET (1) SYN-TAC PRESS ROLLERS (8) Undersize Blankets (5) WILL CALL (1) ABDick Press Parts & Accessorie (16) Fountain Control Systems (12) Komori Kompac (2) Kompac Gear-Clutch Assemblies- (34) Kompac II Parts and Consumables. Pdf manuals; blankets; deals videos; select press model. 2800cd series; 3200cd series; 3200mcd & (wide) 3200pfa & pcx; 3300cr & 3300mr; 3302m series; 3302h & 3304h; 3404 di series; 520 series; 524hx parts press; crestline. 3302m 5 roll (altra) 3302m 4 roll; 3302m 6 roll; 2800cd 4 roll; 3200cd 4 roll; 3200e 4 roll; 3200mcd 5 roll; kompac. The Fastest Answer On The Planet Is In The Site Search Box On Left Bar. Enter your part number, keyword name, specific description into the search box. Lafrique, varn kompac 111 manual, energy infobase publishing, student cd for becks theory practice of therapeutic massage individual version, jcb 3200 65 fastrac parts catalogue manual sn 0123999, husqvarna fs8400d t3a saw, viper starter manual, plastics materials and processing, how Page 4/8 1484752.

Varn Kompac Manual

NOTE: Kompac has discontinued manufacturing the 92260 seal. If you are still using these oldstyle seals, you will need to buy the 92280 upgrade kit to use new style seals.


Improve Your Press Performance

Kompac’s range of Automatic Dampening Systems can improve the performance on your press by eliminating the problems inherent in both conventional and alcohol dampening systems. The patented Kompac technology provides the operator with automatic ink/water balance. Kompac Automatic Dampeners completely re-balance themselves at each revolution and carry only the amount of ink and water demanded by the image on the plate. Kompac gives instant startup and runs trouble-free – increasing production by 30 minutes per shift. Guaranteed!

Fountain solution is held in the nip reservoir between the Kompac form roller and the Kompac metering roller. The form roller rolls across the plate with the non-image area of the plate taking the fountain solution and the image area of the plate splitting a layer of ink with the form roller. The Kompac form roller is both water and ink receptive. Ink and fountain solution are milled under pressure at the roller nip. The oscillator roller smoothes out the ink and water film for improved Kompac performance.

Kompac Systems Pays for Itself in 6 Months or Less!

Between a 50% reduction in stock waste and an average increase in production of 30 minutes per shift, the Kompac Automatic Dampening System typically pays for itself in less than 6 months. The Kompac Dampening System prints a thinner film of ink and water enabling jobs to be turned over faster and permitting larger solids, complicated screens, tiny reverses and difficult jobs to be run in an efficient manner. The Kompac Dampening system is a 'press proven' technology with over 100,000 installations worldwide. Print the color you never dared to!

AB Dick | ATF Chief | Gestetner | Hamada | Itek | Multigraphic | Ryobi | Toko


Varn Kompac Unit Installation Manual


AB Dick

  • 350, 350CD, 360, 360CD, 360QP, 360QPC, 360PRO, 8805,8810 (with Plastic Safety Cover) Parts Catalog - AB5060

  • 8805, 8810, 8815, 8820 (with Metal Safety Cover) Parts Catalog -AB 8800

  • 8915, 8920 Parts Catalog - AB 8900

  • 375, 375CD, 375QP, 375QPC, 375PRO, 9805, 9810, 9810XC, 9810XCS, 9815, 9820, 9835, 9840, 9850 (with Plastic Safety Cover) Parts Catalog - AB 9875

  • 9805, 9810, 9810XC, 9810XCS, 9815, 9820, 9835, 9840, 9850, 9870 (with Metal Safety Cover) Parts Catalog - AB 9800

  • 9910, 9910XCS, 9910XC2, 9970 Parts Catalog - AB 9900

  • 385, 385CD, 385PRO, MG2-22 Parts Catalog - AB 3850

  • 9880, 9880D, 9890, 9890D Parts Catalog - AB 8090

  • 9985 (Two Unit Kit) Parts Catalog - RYB332

  • 4995, 4995A, 9995, 9995A (Single Unit Kit with RRM) Parts Catalog - RYB334R

  • 4995, 4995A, 9995, 9995A (Single Unit Kit with Bottle) Parts Catalog - RYB334R

ATF Chief

  • ATF 15, 115, 215 (Check press serial number) Parts Catalog - AF 15/AF 15G

  • ATF 15, 115, 215 (Check press serial number) Parts Catalog - AF 17/AF 17G


Kompac Dampener Service Manuals

  • RS 34-M, RS 34L-M, VS 34-M, VS 34L-M (Main Head) Product Catalog - HMD34-1-O

  • RS 34 II-M, RS 34LII-M, VS 34 II-M , VS 34LII-M (Main Head) Product Catalog - HMD34-1-N

  • RS 34S-M, RS 34LS-M, VS 34S-M, VS 34LS-M (Second Color Head) Product Catalog - HMD34-2-O

  • RS 34II S-M, RS 34II L-M, VS 34II S-M , VS 34II L-M (Second Color Head) Product Catalog - HMD34-2-N

  • H234, H234CX (with Bottle) Product Catalog - HMD234

  • H234, H234CX (with RRM) Product Catalog - HMD234R

  • H234-A (with RRM) Product Catalog - HMD234A-R

  • H234-A (with Bottle) Product Catalog - HMD234A

  • C48EX, C48CX, C48EX-CF, C48CX-SF (Single Unit Kit) Product Catalog - HMD48

  • C248E, C248EX, C249CX, C248E-SF, C248EX-SF, C248CX-SF, H248E, H248EX, H248CX, H248E-SF, H248EX-SF, H248CX-SF (Two Unit Kit) - Product Catalog Part 1 HMD248 & Part 2 HMD248R

  • C252E, C252CX, C252E-SF, C252CX-SF (Two Unit Kit) Product Catalog Part 1 HMD252 & Part 2 HMD252R

  • 700CD, 770CD, 700CDX, 775CDX, E47, E47S E47-NP (Main Head) Product Catalog - HMD47-1-O

  • 775CDA, E47S, E47S-NP (Second Color Head) Product Catalog -

  • DU34-M (Upper Head) Product Catalog - HMD34-1-O

  • DU34II-M (Upper Head) Product Catalog - HMD34-1-N

  • DU34-M (Lower Head) Product Catalog -

  • DU34 II-M (Lower Head) Product Catalog - HMD-DU34-2-N

  • 500CDA, 550CDA, 555CDA, 600CD, 660CD, 665CD (Main Head) Product Catalog - HMD600-1

  • 550CDA, 660CDA (Second CoItek 975 Product Catalog - HMD600-2-O

  • 555CDA, 665CD (Second Color Head) Product Catalog - HMD600-2-N

  • 611ECD, 611EXL, 612ECD, 612EXL, 661ECD, 661EXL, 662ECD, 662EXL (Main Head - DISCONTINUED) - Parts Catalog - HMD6112


  • GST11 Parts Catalog - GST11

  • GST12 Parts Catalog - GST12

  • GST13 Parts Catalog - GST13


  • Itek 950, 960 Product Catalog - RYB2728

  • Itek 975 Product Catalog - RYB3200

  • Itek 985 Product Catalog - RYB32MCD-KM

  • Itek 3985 Two Unit Kit Product Catalog - RYB332-KM

  • Itek 3980, 3980TC, 3980NPI, 3980TCNPI Product Catalog -RYB33-KM


  • 1250, 1250CD, 125C, 1250SG, 1250N, 1250OR, 1250G, 1250W, 1250LW Product Catalog - M125

  • 1250, 1250CD, 125C, 1250SG, 1250N, 1250OR, 1250G, 1250W, 1250LW (Improved Plate Clearance) Product Catalog - M125IPC

  • 1250, 1250CD (Multi Lever Presses) Product Catalog -

  • 2650, 2650W, 2650N, 2675, 2850, 2850E, 2850N, 2875, 2975, 2975E (Systems 4,5,6 & 7) Product Catalog - M2629

  • 1330, 1360, 1450, 1650, 1650XE, 1650MC, 1650GPC Product Catalog - M1316

  • 1330, 1360, 1450, 1650, 1650XE, 1650MC, 1650GPC (Improved Plate Clearance) Product Catalog - M1316IPC

  • 1850, 1850CD, 1870, 1870CD, 1860, 1860XE, 1860GPC, 1860MC, 1960XE, 1960MC, 4610, 4620 (Main Head) Product Catalog - M1819-I-KM

  • 1850, 1850CD, 1870, 1870CD, 1860, 1860XE, 1860GPC, 1860MC, 1960XE, 1960MC, 4610, 4620 (Second Color Head) Product Catalog - M1819-II-KM

  • 1218 (Serial number 987282 and below) Toko 1800, 4700, 4750 (with Plastic Safety Covers) Product Catalog - TK47

  • 1218 (Serial number 987282 and above) Toko 1800, 4700, 4750 (with Metal Safety Covers) Product Catalog - TK4750M


Kompac Water System

  • 1800, 4700, 4750 (with Plastic Safety Covers) Product Catalog - TK47

  • 1800, 4700, 4750 (with Metal Safety Covers) Product Catalog - TK4750M


Varn Kompac Manual Transmission

  • 2700, 2700CD, 2800, 2800CD, 2800XL Product Catalog - RYB2728

  • 3200, 3200CD, 3200XL, 3200NP Product Catalog -

  • 3200CD (with Wider Image Area) Product Catalog - RYB3200W

  • 3200MCD Product Catalog - RYB32MCD-KM

  • 3302H, 3302HA, 3304H, 3304HA (Single Unit Kit with RRM) Product Catalog - RYB334R

  • 3302H, 3302HA, 3304H, 3304HA (Single Unit Kit with Bottle) Product Catalog - RYB334

  • 3302M (Two Unit Kit) Product Catalog - RYB332-KM

  • 3300MR, 3300CR Main Head Product Catalog -

  • 512, 512NP (Main Head) Product Catalog - RYB5102-1

  • 512, 512NP (Second Color Head) Product Catalog - RYB5102-2

  • 520. 520NP Product Catalog - RYB52

  • 522, 522NP (Two Unit Kit with Bottle) Product Catalog - RYB522

  • 522, 522NP (Two Unit Kit with RRM) Product Catalog -