

  1. Superluminal For Mac And Cheese
  2. Superluminal For Mac Air
  3. Superluminal For Macular Degeneration
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Superluminal Stardust 1.2.1 for Mac Free Download is the latest version DMG offline setup file of your Macintosh. Also, Superluminal Stardust for macOS is a Modular 3D particle system for After Effects software. دانلود Superluminal Stardust 1.6.0 x64 for Adobe After Effects دانلود Superluminal Stardust 1.2.1 for Adobe After Effects macOS گذرواژه فایل(ها): www.downloadly.ir.

Stardust is a Modular 3D particle system for After Effects. It has an easy to use node based user interface and ships with a host of presets to create stunning effects. Stardust version 1.6.0 is available now for MacOs and Windows. It is another Free update to all current customers. Memory Editing on Mac. If you play Faster Than Light on Mac OS X, Bit Slicer is similar to Poke. Bit Slicer for Mac. Choose the 32-bit Integer type and specify that it is Unsigned. There are various ports of Cheat Engine to OS X, however. Memory Editing on Linux. The Linux equivalent of Poke is a command-line utility called scanmem.

Superluminal 2 - ship editor for FTL:AE
Superluminal2 is a ship editor for FTL -- it provides a layer of abstraction over the game's files, aiming to make the task of creating a functional ship much easier and less daunting.
It is a complete rewrite of, and successor to, the original Superluminal editor.
Important: The editor requires at least Java 6 in order to run.
[ Version 2.2.1 ]
Source code is available at Github - readme_developers.txt contains everything you need to know to be able to compile the code by yourself.
Extract the editor from the archive, then run it.
The first time you run the program, you may be asked to point the editor to FTL's installation, but most of the time this should be located automatically.
In case of problems, consult the FAQ, or ask here in this thread.
If the editor has crashed, please attach the contents of editor-log.txt in the post, preferably between [ code ][ /code ] tags -- keep in mind that the log is wiped each time the editor starts -- as well as steps to reproduce the crash, if possible.
Vhati - for being an immeasurably helpful person over the course of last year, always answering my questions when I pestered him Without Vhati's help, the editor would likely never have worked on Mac and Linux
Sleeper Service, TaxiService, The Legacy, English Narwhal - for beta-testing of the new editor, and lots of good suggestions
Phlakes - for awesome work on FTL:Remastered, from which I have appropriated the pretty system icons :E

Code: Select all

- Fixed a crash when saving a ship that was created with old FTL file format.
- Fixed a crash when changing colors in Generate FLoor Image window using RGB or hex values.
- Fixed values not being consistently capped to min/max in Generate Floor Image window.
- Fixed a bug which could cause ship class and ship name to not be loaded.
- Fixed a bug which caused XML files to be broken when using the 'Include Mod Files From' feature when saving.
- Added support for FTL 1.6.1+
- Self-patching functionality should now work on all platforms (still broken in versions 2.1.2b and lower; you'll need to update manually)
- Added File > Change .dat Files, allowing you to navigate to other .dat files, and tell the editor to use them (useful if you ever want to use pre-1.6 archives for whatever reason)
- Pirate ships from dlcPirateBlueprints.xml file can now be loaded in the editor.
- The editor now also scans .rawclobber files in loaded mods.
- Automatic update check performed at startup no longer blocks GUI.
- Pinned objects are now highlighted with a yellow border.
- Updated GUI library from 4.5.1 to 4.6.1.
- Updated links to the new FTL forums address.
- Fixed Windows exe launchers not finding Java 9.
- Updated GUI library from 4.4 to 4.5.1. Hopefully this fixes the issues with Windows 10.
- Fixed stations blocking placement of doors
- Changed default color of floor images generated by the editor to standard FTL gray - 0x64696F.
- Added customization options to floor generation - can set border width, floor margin, corner size, and floor and border colors.
- You can now save a mod file along with the ship, effectively adding the ship to the mod. The mod has to be loaded via Mod Management (Ctrl+M) first, though.
- Added experimental self-patching functionality.
- Fixed a typo in the error message displayed when trying to animate gibs when the ship has none (animte -> animate)
- Fixed a bug with systems sharing interior images.
- Editor now recognizes .rawappend files when loading mods via Mod Management
- Added an option to enemy ships to select weapon/drone loadout like in player ships
- When loading a ship that is missing a glow in rooms.xml, the editor now uses the default glow for that system instead of failing to load the ship
- Fixed glow images being saved with incorrect name in rooms.xml
- Fixed a crash caused by systems whose image had no corresponding entry in rooms.xml (ships exhibiting this problem will fail to load)
- ShipLoader dialog now provides an explanation why a ship could not be loaded.
- Fixed a crash caused by the editor sometimes attempting to access already deleted elements
- Door orientation toggle button ('Horizontal') now is disabled when changing the door's orientation would cause it to collide with another door.
- Fixed the editor failing to load ships with custom interior image for the cloaking system, that had no matching glow image
- Fixed glow selection dialog sometimes listing repeated entries
- Glow selection dialog now lists its entries in alphanumerical order
- Fixed glows being deletable
- Fixed a crash related to drone selection
- Fixed glows sometimes not being properly disposed when closing / loading another ship
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the editor from loading some of the default settings when the program was started for the first time.
- Fixed a crash when assigning activation glow image to cloaking system
- Fixed several bugs related to system/glow assignment
- Improved database browse search -- search terms can now be partial
- Added crash-save feature -- should the editor crash, your ship will be saved as an .ftl file in the editor's directory.
- Added zoom feature (in the form of a separate window, found under View > Open Zoom Window)
- Added cursor position tracker at the top-right of the main window + config setting to show the pointer location relative to the ship's origin
- Added automated floor image generation (Edit > Generate Floor Image...)
- Added ability to change the name that interior images get exported as (important for glows)
- Added ability to select images directly from FTL's archives -- all 'Browse' buttons now open a dropdown menu instead, allowing you to choose what you want to browse ('System' is default file selection, 'Database' is the FTL archives)
- Added a bunch of undoable operations:
* image undo (can undo hull/floor/cloak/shield/thumbnail modification)
* interior image modification
* door orientation modification
* system availability toggle
* active system selection undo
* mount rotation/mirror/direction modification
- Changed station images to rectangles taking half of a grid cell, made them fainter
- Added manning glows' placement modification (blue station appearing where the old purple ones used to be, can be clicked and moved around to adjust the glow images' locations)
- Added a modifiable hotkey setting that is shared for all search dialogs
- Weapon mounts now display artillery image only when the artillery systems is assigned
- Gib animation now won't start if the ship has no gibs
- Fixed some cursor visibility issues with Room Tool
- Fixed some systems for player ships allowing to set their level to 9 or 10.
- Fixed a bug with hotkeys, which caused hotkeys that used the Ctrl modifier to also require Alt modifier to be triggered.
2.0.6b beta:
- Fixed a crash related to the Overview Window & gib animation
- Fixed 'Cancel' button in search dialogs not working correctly
- Fixed gib linking via Ship Overview not really working
2.0.6a beta:
- Fixed a bug that prevented gibs from being selectable via Ship Overview
- Added a potential fix for crashes related to door & gib linking
2.0.6 beta:
- Improved stats display in weapon & drone selection dialogs
- Added 'Follow Hull' button to Mount Tool -- when checked, newly created weapon mounts will follow hull
- Added 'Follow Hull' button to gibs
- Newly created gibs now correctly follow hull by default
- Several minor UI tweaks
- Mac Command key support should now work correctly (tested)
- .ftl files can now be dropped onto the main editor frame to load them
- The editor can now open .ftl and .zip files by dragging them onto the .exe, or by using the 'Open With...' option in the mod files' context menu
- Added 'Unsaved Changes' warning when closing the application
- Added artillery modification & display (moved to Armaments tab)
- Fixed undo of offset that was modified by shift-dragging
- Added undo of reordering objects via Ship Overview
- Calculate Optimal Offset is now undoable
- Doors/Rooms and Mounts/Gibs can now be linked via ShipOverview
- When undoing deletion of elements, the editor now attempts to reinsert them at their old index
2.0.5 beta (which was actually 2.0.4...):
- Fixed shift-dragging the ship origin to set the offset
- Fixed a bug with messed up numbering when reordering game objects via ShipOverview, and then adding new objects of the same type
- Added support for Mac's Command key in hotkeys (untested)
- Fixed application name on Mac (now reads 'Superluminal' instead of 'SWT')
- Fixed a bug that would cause the editor to crash during mount-gib or door linking
- Fixed value of angular velocity constant in the editor's database (was 10 times too big), which was causing gibs to spin wildly
- Added ship death animation simulation -- animates both gibs and weapon mounts attached to them
- Save command now always saves the ship, without checking whether or not it's been modified
- Made 3 more actions hotkeyable: Save Ship As, Open .shp, Animate Gibs
- Made some minor improvements to the Settings window
- Added 'allowDoorOverlap' settings option
- Added option to make weapon mounts and images follow hull (select object > check 'Follow Hull')
- Added mono-directional dragging -- hold down Shift while dragging an object to have it move in only one direction (horizontal or vertical)
2.0.3a beta:
- Fixed a bug that would cause the editor to crash when you tried to open the editor without pointing it to the game's archives
- Fixed 'Save As' thinking it was 'Save'
- Fixed Mac distribution of the editor not having proper permissions set -- you should now be able to launch the editor without having to go through the chmod command
2.0.3 beta:
- Menu buttons' hotkey text is now updated when you modify hotkeys
- Hotkeys can now be unbound
- Added .shp file loading
- Added gibs' angular velocity modification
- Added raw value modification to gibs
- Fixed a somewhat rare bug with system visibility
- Fixed a bug with station visibility that would cause the station to not be hidden when its system was assigned to a room that cannot contain it
- Fixed a bug with automated door linking persisting after saving was completed, which could cause bugged links when the user moved the doors/rooms around and then saved again
- Fixed a bug with Mod Management that would allow the same mod to be loaded multiple times
- Added mount-gib linking
- Reworked hotkey system
- Added search functionality to weapon, drone & augment selection dialogs (Ctrl+F hotkey)
- Added hotkeys to Mod Management: Confirm (Enter), Load (Ctrl+L), Remove (Delete)
- Added undo/redo. Currently undoable operations:
* Creation of new rooms, doors, mounts and gibs
* Deletion of rooms, doors, mounts and gibs
* Move (by mouse)
* Room resize
* System (un)assignment
* Door linking
- Added 'Unsaved Changes' warnings/prompts -- however, this is tied to the undo/redo system, so only making undoable changes will cause the warnings to pop up
2.0.1 beta:
- Fixed a minor code screw-up that prevented shield, floor and thumbnail images from being saved.
- Fixed some stations being visible when they should not be
- Fixed the corrupt image 'bug' -- the editor now detects when you've installed mods with SMM while the editor was running, and now automatically reloads the database
- Added keybind modification to the Settings dialog
- Rooms, weapon mounts and gibs can now be reordered via the Ship Overview window -- simply drag them.
2.0.0 beta9:
- Fixed a bug that would prevent weapon/drone slots from saving correctly for enemy ships
- Ship save destination is now on a per-ship basis, instead of being application-wide
- File and folder selection dialogs should now remember their own paths. Some of the file
selection dialogs are grouped together, eg. all interior images' dialogs use the same path.
- Toggling hangar image for enemy ships now displays the enemy window instead
- Disabled the horizontal offset slider for enemy ships, since it doesn't affect them
- Fixed enemy offset loading & improved enemy optimal offset calculation
- Ship Loader now also remembers previous selection
- Enemy ship images now get saved to 'ships_glow' instead of 'ships_noglow' -- still not sure if only one is enough for enemy ship hulls to show up correctly
- Removed unnecessary method calls, reducing ManipulationTool dragging lag by around 33%
- Fixed a bug with database reloading that would crash the editor in any mods were loaded
- Corrected ship saving to only export interior and glow images when the system using them
is actually assigned
- Fixed a bug with the loading dialog that would cause the editor to crash if two loading
dialogs were displayed at the same time
- Hiding an object now also deselects it
- Fixed config dialog's contents not wrapping when the window was resized, improved scrolling
- Added artillery loading & saving (no modification yet)
- Added new config option to reset door links when the door is moved
- Reworked Gib Tool to be a part of Images Tool
- Fixed a bug that would cause gib ordering to not be preserved
- Fixed angular velocity not being loaded
- Fixed gib saving
- Added gib modification (WOOO!)
- Added gib image saving
- Fixed shield & interior images (?) being exported for enemy ships
- Slightly reworked & improved the Overview Window, added gibs, and a visibility toggle button
2.0.0 beta8:
- The update dialog now displays a brief list of changes that have been made since the version you're using
- Fixed a bug with ship loading that would not link mounts to gibs correctly, causing problems when you tried to save the ship
- Weapon/drone/augment selection dialogs now will also scroll to show the last selected item
- Added the ability to change enemy ships' boarding AI, now only gets exported for enemy ships
- Fixed a bug that would not allow to confirm 'No Drone List' in drone selection dialog
- Fixed systems not disappearing when hiding rooms
- Done some preliminary work on gibs - can be viewed and moved around with Gib Tool (you have to hide all the other elements first - keys 1 through 8 by default). Gibs are not exported yet.
2.0.0 beta7:
- Some of the previously unloadable ships can now be loaded (missing 'max' attribute on
<crewCount> tag)
- Fixed a bug that would cause systems to be exported evem when the room they've beem
assigned to has been deleted
- Stations are no longer saved for enemy ships, since they apparently don't affect them anymore
- Station Tool is now disabled for enemy ships
- Some of enemy ships' systems' level caps have been raised to 10
- Reworked the way the editor handles systems to allow multiple artilleries
- Improvied resize detection on Linux environments -- grid should fit the window most of the time now
- Fixed issues with keybinds on Linux -- temporary workaround
2.0.0 beta6a:
- Added verification to image browsers to make sure that the selected file actually exists
- Improved error handling in ship-saving code
- Fixed a minor bug with crew UI that would cause a crash
- Added tooltips to rooms' sidebar
- Changed tooltips to stay until dismissed by the user
- Fixed drone parts and missile amount changes not being applied to the ship
- Fixed 'File > Reload Database' function
2.0.0 beta5:
- Added crew modification
- Weapon/drone/augment dialogs now remember previous selection
- Some more tooltips
- Several minor tweaks, behind-the-scenes changes
- Added a popup for when the user downloaded a wrong version of the editor for their system
- Decoupled room and system drawing logic, systems are drawn on separate layer above rooms
2.0.0 beta4a:
- Fixed a minor oversight that would cause the editor to crash when editing enemy ships
2.0.0 beta4:
- Added Calculate Optimal Offset option - calculates both thick and fine offsets
- Added fine offset modification (HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL properties)
- Added ability to show the hangar image as background, which accurately shows where the ship will be positioned in-game.
- Added more tooltips
- Added mouse shortcuts to Weapon Mounting Tool
- Added enemy shield resizing
2.0.0 beta3:
- Fixed weapon mounts with direction NONE being incorrectly saved ('none' instead of 'no')
- Fixed a bug that caused the grid not to be resized properly when the editor was started
- Fixed a minor screw-up that caused the additional weapon/drone slots to be unusable
- Fixed Images Tool's hotkey not working
- Added a crappy image for Images Tool
- Some spinners (ie. numerical fields with up/down arrows) were showing up incorrectly on Linux, attempted to fix that by giving them a fixed width
- Added 'Show File' button to Image Viewer, which will show the file in the OS' filesystem, disabled if it's not applicable for the currently viewed image.
- Wired min and max sector spinners to update the ship's min/max sector values (they were having no effect previously)
- Min/max sector tags now get saved before the <systemList> tag
- Editor now also saves the <boardingAI>sabotage</boardingAI> tag
- Fixed DatabaseCore in Mod Management being draggable and thus removeable on some platforms
- Added the option to reload the entire database
- Weapon mounts can now display any weapon as if it were equipped at the mount, without actually changing the loadout
- Added info icons to several elements of the UI, that display a short tip when hovered over, which describes the setting
- Added ship offset modification
2.0.0 beta2:
- Fixed a crash when resizing the sidebar to occupy the entire window
- Fixed a bug when saving a ship after a new weapon mount has been placed
- Fixed a bug causing new rooms to always have ID -1
- Hopefully fixed a bug where right-clicking on a room to assign system causes a crash
- Fixed a crash when clicking interior images' 'Clear' button
- Default images are now loaded when a system is assigned for the first time
- Also removed ability to assign interior images to systems in enemy ships
- Images tab moved from Properties to its own separate 'tool'
- Weapon/drone slots now allow up to 8 slots, but show a warning the first time the user assigns more than 4 slots
2.0.0 beta1:
- Test release

Stardust version 1.6.0 is available now for MacOs and Windows . it is another Free update to all current customers.

Introducing a new and exciting feature – Volume Rendering: Create beaוtiful and captivating smoke effects from any particle system setup. Import VDB files from other 3D packages for stunning simulations to control and render with AE’s camera inside your composition for easy and seamless integration with your compositing workflow.

Stardust is an innovative Adobe After Effects plug-in for the creation of stunning particle and object based motion graphics and effects. It’s groundbreaking interface allows for combining 3D models, particles, effects and more, all existing and interacting in one shared space, enabling unparalleled integration between powerful tools delivering creative expression never before possible in After Effects. Make your vision come to life using 3D physics, Replica animation engine, 3D Model Library and hundreds of other features. Easily create complex effects using any of the hundreds of shipped presets, or build setups ground up using the modular workflow.

  • Volume rendering: Load from VDB files or create from Particles.
  • Refreshed Panel UI: New Nodes design and colors.
  • Physics: Save and Load State – Save Physics initial state.
  • Model: Replicate using Null – Replicate a 3D model using AE Nulls.
  • Physics: Air density – Add animatable air density.
  • Material: Stencil – Added option to set a material as Stencil.
  • Physics: Properties Time sample – Sample physics properties at current time / particle birth.
  • Models: UV repeat and offset.
  • Stardust Studio: Studio Lights – Add custom lights to Studio Camera.
  • Model: Export OBJ – Export current model as an OBJ file.
  • Particle: Limit rotations – Set particle random rotation to fixed values. e.g. 90 degrees.
  • Emitter: Light size.
  • Graph: Flip.
  • Physics: Turbulence Over life.
  • Aux: Fixed an issue with non visible particles.

If you run into any issues or have any questions please send us an email: support@superluminal.tv

Version History:

1.6.0 – Current version Jul 10, 2019

Superluminal for mac 2017
  • Volume rendering: Load from VDB files or create from Particles.
  • Refreshed Panel UI: New Nodes design and colors.
  • Physics: Save and Load State – Save Physics initial state.
  • Model: Replicate using Null – Replicate a 3D model using AE Nulls.
  • Physics: Air density – Add animatable air density.
  • Material: Stencil – Added option to set a material as Stencil.
  • Physics: Properties Time sample – Sample physics properties at current time / particle birth.
  • Models: UV repeat and offset.
  • Stardust Studio: Studio Lights – Add custom lights to Studio Camera.
  • Model: Export OBJ – Export current model as an OBJ file.
  • Particle: Limit rotations – Set particle random rotation to fixed values. e.g. 90 degrees.
  • Emitter: Light size.
  • Graph: Flip.
  • Physics: Turbulence Over life.
  • Aux: Fixed an issue with non visible particles.

1.5.0 – Aug 14, 2019

  • Volume workflow – Create striking looks, meshing particles and 3d models into volumes using the renowned OpenVDB technology. Create complex intersections and manipulations of volumes using Stardust’s highly flexible modular design.
  • 3D Wireframes – New OBJ Emitter options to emit from model edges.
  • Extrude Edges – Extrude Masks and Text Edges to create fine hollow bodies.
  • Transparent material – Affect transparency by surface facing towards or away from the camera, to achieve an X-ray like effect.
  • Transparent material – New option allows to affect the DOF.
  • Normal Map from Bump – Convert bump map (any grayscale image) to a normal map, to easily create procedural materials inside AE.
  • Stardust panel additions
    • Auto Connect Node – Connect a node between two linked nodes by dragging on top of the connection line until it turns green.
    • Detach – Alt + drag a middle node to disconnect it and have the two surrounding nodes link directly.
    • Multi-Connect – Shift click a connector, and use the green link line to connect to multiple nodes.
    • Right click to create nodes, or group selected nodes.
  • Preview – Fast preview of 3D setups as wireframe / flat / flat shaded.
  • Path Emitters – Emit range: Controls the emit range of the path.
  • Ambient Occlusion – New option allowing to tint the AO color.
  • Specular – New option to adjust the specular amount.
  • Model Node – New option to normalize scale and align the model to its sides.
  • UV Map – New option to apply planar mapping to a 3D model.
  • Fix – SSAO – fixed an issue with objects near the image border.
  • Fix – Physics – fixed inherited null scale issue.
  • Fix – Physics – fixed an issue with Path manipulator and single models.

1.4.1 – Apr 07, 2019

  • Fixed an issue of failed render of 32bpc textured particles in windows.
  • Fixed an issue of failed render on some Nvidia GPUs in Windows.

1.4.0 – Apr 02, 2019

  • 3D Volumetric Lights – Add atmospheric effects to your scene, respecting scene shadows.
  • GPU Circles / Clouds – Vastly accelerated circle and cloud particles render using GPU.
  • Overall performance improvements and workflow streamlining.
  • Mesh smooth – Refine Model meshes.
  • Better DOF. Controlled by the render setting quality.
  • Shadow Catcher Material – Shadows get rendered on an otherwise transparent surface.
  • New Render Outputs – Shadow, Volumetric.
  • Fog – Add volumetric Fog effect to the scene.
  • Offset Emitter Time (Pre-Run) – Time-shift specific emitters to set initial state.
  • OBJ file import – Native OBJ File imported into project for complete project files collection.
  • Reflection – New: Affect distortion by surface normals.
  • Maps – Added: Density property.
  • Replica – Added: Orient to path.
  • Fix – Single model – studio cam.
  • Fix – Layer emitter – skip empty alpha.

1.3.1 – Nov 26, 2018

  • Fixes an issue of failed render when adding image based lighting on some GPUs
  • Misc bug fixes

1.3.0 – Nov 02, 2018

  • 3D Library – Nearly 200 textured 3D models loaded with a single click, parented to a controlling Null layer. The library is available for download from the Preset window.
  • Connect – connect physical particles to each other using various constraint types, for creating Springs and Chains.
  • Planar reflection – Have object reflect off of planes.
  • Model Path Deform – Deform models in 3D space using masks or paths defined with AE lights.
  • Groups – Transform model parts by OBJ groups.
  • Subsurface scattering – Create organic lighting look for surfaces.
  • New Material options – Refraction , Emissive , Adjust Environment and Reflection .
  • Model node as emitter source – Create emitter source with model node and apply deformers.
  • Speed – Up to 15% faster render.
  • Gloss / Roughness – Inverted for easier import PBR materials.
  • Model node – Added segments to extruded path for better deformation.
  • Model node – Auto load 3D Model material textures on import.
  • Model node – Respect node active state when connected to particle nodes.
  • Particle node – Set ‘Use model’ to either ‘All’ or ‘Random’ for when multiple model nodes are connected.
  • Transform node – Use Null layer for easier transformation control.
  • Physics -Better interactive responsiveness while tweaking physical particles.
  • Physical forces – New spherical type: ‘Particle birth’. used to attract particles to their birth position.
  • Physics forces – New parameter for spherical forces: ‘To distance’. Factors the distance to the influence.
  • Main effect render options – Make environment layer visible in render.
  • Main effect render options -Select ‘Helpers’ render color.
  • Z buffer – 3D models will respect external Z-buffer and obstruction layer.
  • Fixed an issue where normal bump map would give incorrect results.
  • Fixed an issue that may slow render in machines with many cpu cores.

1.2.1 – Sep 03, 2018

  • Fixes a crash related to the Over Life Graphs.
  • Fixes a crash related to Applying Presets.
  • Fixes a crash related to Low Memory.

1.2.0 – Jul 11, 2018

  • Create Dynamic and Kinematic particles, to interart and collide with each other.
  • Apply physical forces, Directional, Spherical,Noise and Path.
  • Auto Cache – Automatically update the physical simulation cache on every change in the setup.
  • Flow noise – Create stunning graphics by applying Flow noise to physical particles.
  • Particles collisions – choose between dynamic to collide with all objects, or just with kinematic, such as walls and floors.
  • Physical Presets – complex and stunning animation setups, ready for use in a click.
  • Quality – Easily choose between faster to more precise simulations.
View all versions history

1.1.4 – Apr 26, 2018

  • 3D Shadow to models
  • Additive transparent Materials
  • New Graph mode – Hold
  • Easily create video walls with Multiple source videos using the new ‘Layer set’ in the source node
  • Environment shadows – lights affect the Image Based lighting environment
  • Presets can save and load render settings such as environment and motion blur.
  • Model workflow simplified, just add a model node to add a single instance.
  • Model animation simplified, create and parent a model to a 3D null in one click.
  • Motion node – added the option to Orient to path.
  • Presets – save tags and render settings.
  • Misc Bug fixes. – Feb 15, 2018

  • Fixes an issue where on some situations the preset window will not open

1.1.3 – Feb 08, 2018

  • Deform Node – 3D models
    • Turbulence
    • Bend , Twist, Stretch
    • Sphere
    • Maps
  • Switches – Toggle the buttons on the effects, or from the new Contextual menu (right click) on the panel
    • Visibility – Enable or disable nodes
    • Solo – Enable only solo nodes
    • Shy – Hide Effects from the Effect Control Window, and automatically show when selected on the panel
    • Helpers – Render Stardust Helpers for specific nodes
    • Locate – Locate the Node on the panel
    • Master Switches – Switches on main effect control overall solo, shy and helpers behavior. Additional motion blur switch for quick access
  • Presets Search – Search the Stardust preset library using any keyword or phrase for quick access.
  • Group Node – Collapse and uncollapse the groups in the panel to reduce clutter or expose content.
  • Bevel – Faster and Better 3D Text and Mask Extrude
  • Lock / Unlock Stardust panel to show the selected Stardust Layer
  • Random Texture on 3D particles – Apply a random texture per 3D model.
  • Sphere UV texture mapping
  • OBJ Emitter – New options to Loop, Delay, Flip and more.
  • Maps – New option to offset the map.
  • Bug Fixes

1.1.2 – Nov 14, 2017

Bug Fixes.

1.1.1 – Nov 08, 2017

Bug Fixes.

1.1.0 – Sep 26, 2017


New :

  • Render 3D models as particle instances.
  • Extrude and Bevel Text and Masks.
  • Create 3D primitives, choose from Cube, Sphere and more.
  • Physical Materials.
  • Ambient Occlusion.
  • Image based lighting.
  • Export Stardust Presets.
  • GPU powered.
Superluminal for mac and cheese

Notable Bug Fixes :

  • Fixes an issue where the watermark reappears after restart on some machines.

0.9.7 – Apr 25, 2017

Bug Fixes.

0.9.6 – Mar 07, 2017

New :

  • Source Node – New node to create a source, e.g a layer to be used in several particle systems.
  • Replica – Added “Flow” Replica type, that creates flow looking particle replicates.
  • Reflections – Added an environment layer that can reflect off of Rectangular / Textured particles.
  • Obj Surface emitting – Emit particles from the surface of a 3D Model.
  • Textured Particle Use Alpha / Lightness , mix the colour from the particle with the alpha / lightness of the source texture.
  • Maps – Added sample quality and more control options.
  • Noise channel – Use turbulence generated noise on other nodes.
  • Helpers – Added visual cues for some nodes.
  • Presets – Added New Presets for Replica Flow, HUDs, Grid and more.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash related to Light emitter.
  • Fixed an issue with Air Density mixed with zero speed particles.
  • Fixed an issue with Mask / Text Layer transforms.
  • Fixed an issue with reverse time-remap on layer / comp.
  • Fixed an issue with motion blur and key-frames.
  • Fixed an issue where Line graph would not update after change.
  • Fixed an issue where wrong parameters would be displayed.
  • Cleanup param names.

0.9.5 – Jan 17, 2017

  • Presets – auto adjust to comp center in any resolution.
  • New Presets – Swooshes, Diagonal, Texturizer and more.
  • Clone Node, a new node for creating independent branches from any point in the flowchart.
  • Replica – new options, including Directional and Diagonal.
  • Replica – texture offset settings.
  • Light emitter – emits evenly from multiple lights by default.
  • Nodes full name appears in the panel status bar.
  • Splines – added linear corners option.
  • Maps – added sample time options: ‘On Birth’ / ‘Current frame’.
  • Maps – added control for rotation using source layer.
  • Maps – texture by can be assigned by lightness.
  • Stencil transfer Mode added to to the particle transfer modes.
  • Fixes an issue where duplicating nodes created unexpected results in the panel.
  • Fixes an issue where sometimes deleting nodes caused unexpected results in the panel.
  • Fixes an issue where sometimes adding nodes while the panel is closed would throw an error.
  • Fixes an issue where sometimes when stardust main effect is last in the layer’s effect list, it would cause a crash.
  • Fixes an issue with Twist Free Axis.

Superluminal For Mac And Cheese

0.9.4 – Dec 26, 2016

  • New Presets:
    • Fire And Smoke with textured particles. Emit from Text , Mask, 3D Models, Outline and Volume. (Requires Apple ProRes codec)
    • HUD presets, City, Hexa, Alert and more.
    • Graphic Element presets.
    • Over Life presets.
  • OBJ Emitter , added subdivision option of distance.
  • Fixed an issue where on some situations a cancelled frame with textured particles would crash AE.

0.9.3 – Dec 06, 2016

  • OBJ emitter, now is up to 5 times faster with large OBJ files.
  • Fixed an issue with non standard file and folder name Characters (i.e. non-English file paths)
  • Fixed a caching issue when setting shading on/off.
  • Fixed an issue when setting textured Particle layers to stretch.
  • Fixed an issue with Shadow color sometimes not updating.

0.9.2 – Nov 11, 2016

  • Fixed an issue where an empty OBJ file would crash AE.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting OBJ sequence with no valid OBJ file would crash AE.

0.9.1 – Oct 19, 2016

  • Fixed a bug where on some machines it would crash when applied to layer.
  • Fixed conflict with some 3rd party plug-ins.
  • Fixed installer issue with deselecting AE versions.
  • Fixed a bug where on some machines it would crash when applying a preset.

Superluminal For Mac Air

0.9 – Oct 24, 2016

Initial release

System Requirements :

Superluminal For Macular Degeneration

Mac OSX 10.9 and later

Superluminal For Macbook

Windows 7 and later

Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3 and later

1 GB of RAM, 100 MB of hard drive space

OpenGL 3.3 and later