Powershell check if file path contains string

You can use the Where-Object cmdlet to filter objects from a collection based on their property values. We can use the comparison operator like with wildcard character to check if a property of object contains a specific string.

I guess I should explain the environment this code sits in. 2 scripts: one to generate random passwords and write them to a text file. Another to read the text file and remove the passwords from the file after they are used. Once it runs out(i.e. The text file is empty) it should remove it and another file with more passwords is already available. The Start-Transcript and out-file are running into each other:) You no longer need the out-file pipe on your get-mailbox statistics cmdlet. The Start-Transcript will write everything that is displayed on screen in the Powershell session, so you want the output to go to the screen.

Note: You can not use the comparison operator contains to check the contains string, because it’s designed to tell you if a collection of objects includes (‘contains’) a particular object.


Powershell Check If File Contains String Java

  1. Windows PowerShell -Contains. When it comes filtering, or finding data we are spoilt for choice with -Match, -Like and -Contains. While there is overlap, each conditional operator has a distinctive role in PowerShell scripting.
  2. Check if String contains '.' (Character rather than wildcard) Welcome › Forums › General PowerShell Q&A › Check if String contains '.' (Character rather than wildcard) This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago.
  3. I am looking to find a string in word and excel document E.g Like 'Security' if it contains in any of the document, the same should be moved to other location.can anyone suggest with simple scripts pls.!! This simple script worked in finding and relocating the file, but it is not working for docx format, pls help out.

The following command returns all the processes in current machine.

If you want to list only the process which contains string ’32’ in processname, you need to use the below command.

By default like operator ignore the case-sensitive check. To perform a case-sensitive comparison just prefix the word “c” with like operator (“clike”).

If you want to check starts with string, you can use the same like operator with appending * at the end of the string alone.

Likewise, to check ends with string, need to append * at start of the string.

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Powershell if string contains text

You can use the Where-Object cmdlet to filter objects from a collection based on their property values. We can use the comparison operator like with wildcard character to check if a property of object contains a specific string.

Note: You can not use the comparison operator contains to check the contains string, because it’s designed to tell you if a collection of objects includes (‘contains’) a particular object.

The following command returns all the processes in current machine.

If you want to list only the process which contains string ’32’ in processname, you need to use the below command.

Powershell If String Contains Text

By default like operator ignore the case-sensitive check. To perform a case-sensitive comparison just prefix the word “c” with like operator (“clike”).

If you want to check starts with string, you can use the same like operator with appending * at the end of the string alone.

Likewise, to check ends with string, need to append * at start of the string.

Powershell If String Contains Substring

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