
Winning a Culture Victory is as easy as getting a lot of tourists to visit your civilization, which seems effortless enough. But is it as simple as it seems?

The way to win a culture victory is straightforward on the surface, you need more foreign tourists visiting your civilization than any other civilization has domestic tourists (one single civ, not all of them added together). Wonders, Great Writers, and even Religion can help you obtain this victory, while culture, or war, is the best way to defend against it.

As an example of how to win a Culture Victory, if you’re playing as France and have 100 foreign tourists, and Spain has the most domestic tourists at 120, then you need to get 21 more foreign tourists per turn to win. Domestic tourists are those who are happy to vacation within your borders, foreign tourists are those who come from other countries. I’ve created this guide after spending hours of researching videos and websites, plus I’ve included what I’ve learned as I played the game for a Culture Victory.

Read our Civ 6 guide for getting started in Firaxis' new 4X game, and check out our list of the best Civilization 6 mods.We're still waiting on word from Firaxis about when we can expect mod tools.

Before diving in here though, be sure to have read up on our dedicated guides to general Civilization 6 tips and tricks in our guide hub, a detailed look at Districts and the most optimal District. Game Speed is one of the basic options that can be changed in the set-up of a game of Civilization VI. Game speed is used to determine the number of turns required to complete various tasks. Game Speed - Civilization 6 (VI) Wiki. Eureka - a special boost that can speed up the development of specific technologies. Although you can evolve the technology without using one. Here’s a list of Civilization 6 cheats that will be useful in all Civilization games. For Sid Meier's Civilization VI on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How to purchase units and buildings with gold?'

Before you even start the game you can give yourself a head start on a culture victory by choosing a leader and civilization that is “Culture Victory” friendly. A “Culture Victory” civilization gets additional help when it comes to gaining culture and tourists.

Canada with Wilfrid Lanier as the leader is a good choice. This leader/civilization combination will generate a lot of additional Culture, making it a good choice for a player with a more defensive style of playing. It has a lot of benefits relating to generating more culture, like Ice Hockey Rinks (+1 Culture for every Tundra, Tundra Hills, Snow and Snow Hills tile it is built next to, and it will provide 4 Culture if it’s built next to a Stadium).

Civ vi game speeds

Catherine De Medici of France is a choice to consider. France has the Chateau and it gets +2 culture and +1 appeal. Appeal is good since it will help attract foreign tourists to your civilization. This will give you a more balanced approach since you get some additional Culture and Appeal as France.

If you have an aggressive style Gorgo of Greece is a great choice. She gives her empire added culture for combat victories equal to 50% of the defeated enemy units. Greece also has access to the Acropolis which gives +1 Culture bonus to a City Center if built next to it and +1 Culture for every wonder and district its built next to. If you decide to use Pericles as your leader instead you’ll get a 5% culture bonus for every city-state you are Suzerain of but will lose the 50% culture bonus that Gorgo provides.

Kristina of Sweden gives another balanced approach to a Culture Victory. Sweden gets +2 Culture and +2 Tourism per turn when it builds an Open-Air Museum for each city that has a snow, tundra, desert, plains, or grassland tile, a building unique to this civilization.

Qin Shi Huang of China. This civilization has turned into one of my favorites when playing for a Culture Victory. The unique structure the Great Wall gives additional culture and tourism “as you advance through the technology tree for adjacent segments” and it must be built along the borders of your empire. China gets 60% of a civic unlock for Inspirations versus other civilizations 50%.

Seondeok of Korea gives a bonus in Culture. Korea is a worth considering because once governors are placed in cities Culture output is increased by 3% for every promotion the Governor earns.

Since I like a defensive and counter-attack style of play more than an offensive style I thought China with Qin Shi Huang China as the leader was a good choice. The strength in their cultural income is the Great Wall, which is well-suited for a defensive style of play.

After picking your civilization start the game by being as friendly as you can with everybody since open borders gives you a 25% bonus in tourism. I tend to be more of a defensive player anyway so this fits right in with my typical strategy, which is a Scout, Slinger, and then a Settler. (See my build order page for a detailed look at an early game build order). If you’re pursuing a Culture Victory it’s even more important to build a Scout so you can discover other civilizations. This will allow you to start attracting foreign tourists as soon as possible.

One method to try is to let the game help you plan out your best paths in Technology and Civics research. Start with the end in mind. Since you’re working for a Culture Victory in this game a good place to end up at is Computers in the Atomic Era of Technology. This technology offers several benefits but the 25% boost in Tourism, empire wide, is worth taking notice of. By choosing that technology the game will number all the preceding technologies you need to research to get there in order, plus it will give you the number of turns needed to achieve each one.

You can now scroll backwards to see what additional technologies and civics you’ll pick up on the way and what you’ll be missing out on. This will also enable you to better plan out those Eureka events. Of course, game circumstances, like a hostile AI empire or a necessary ability for your civilization, will force you to deviate from your path occasionally but at least you will have a clear path forward for both Technology and Civic research.

For instance, following this technologic research path rigidly for Computers will mean you totally neglect your military options, a sure path to defeat from someone with a Domination Victory in mind. You could also miss out on abilities and buildings your civilization needs. For example, following this path as China means you’ll miss researching Masonry, which gives access to one of China’s greatest strengths for a Culture Victory, The Great Wall.

While pursuing your optimal Civics and Technology paths you need to keep an eye on the other civilization’s progress toward victory. If someone is close to winning you may need to deviate from your path for a while to stop an upcoming victory by another civilization.

Monitoring any victory progress is easy, click on World Rankings to see an overall list of all the victory conditions and who is leading for each one. Clicking on one of the victory names at the top of the screen will give you more details about that victory condition.


When you view the Culture Victory information screen you’ll get a description of just exactly what it is you’re trying to accomplish, which is having more visiting (foreign) tourists than any other civilization has in domestic tourists. For example, if Egypt has the most domestic tourists at 45 your civilization needs 46 foreign tourists to win a Cultural Victory.

The amount of domestic tourists you have, and other civilizations have, is the number underneath the leader’s name next to the colored suitcase. The highest number, excluding yours, is the number of foreign tourists you need to surpass by 1 to win.

The number of visitors from each civilization is in the “Our Visitors From” column and is next to the brown suitcase and the total number of foreign visitors is in the right hand column labeled “Visiting Tourists.” The first number before the slash is how many you have while the number after the slash represents the number of foreign visitors you need to win.

The Ancient Era is where you lay the groundwork for the type of victory you want. The fortunate thing about a Culture Victory is that a lot of what you do can be used toward a Religious Victory so if you see a good opportunity that causes you to change course it’s easy enough to do without losing any ground. At the start of the game the best approach may vary a little from what you might typically build at first. Build a Monument second instead of a Slinger for defense unless you’re threatened, and then a Slinger for defense and then a Settler. A Monument starts producing 2 Culture right away and with the Rise and Fall expansion it only gives an additional 1 culture instead of 2 but produces 1 Loyalty and another additional Culture if your city has 100% loyalty.

Religion can greatly influence tourist income from other civilizations (if you want to know how to effectively spread religion check out this page). Establish your religion early so you have a chance of getting the Followers Belief of Reliquaries. This belief gives 3 times the Tourism and Faith from Relics. If Reliquaries is already taken the next best thing is Choral Music since it allows Shrines and Temples to give a Culture boost equal to their Faith output, which means more domestic Tourists providing a strong defense against a Culture victory from someone else.

The Worship Belief should be Cathedrals since it gives an extra relic slot and 3 additional Faith. If that’s unavailable Gurdwaras would be good for the additional Faith, Food and Housing they provide (additional Housing only if you have Rise and Fall).

Sacred Places is a great consideration for the Founder Belief if you have Gathering Storm. Sacred Places generates 2 Science, Culture, Gold, and Faith for every city following your Religion that has a Wonder in it. The next best Founder Belief to consider the World Church. It provides 1 culture for every 5 followers of the religion of other civs. If you have Gathering Storm you get 1 Culture for every 4 followers of this Religion instead.

If you have an aggressive playstyle the Enhancer Belief of choice should be Crusade since it gives our military units +10 combat Strength when they are close to foreign cities that follow your religion. If you want to fight a defensive religious war while pursuing a Culture Victory Holy Order would be a good choice, it make Apostles and Missionaries 30% cheaper to buy.

Building Wonders early and often is essential so you can start gaining the +2 in Tourism as soon as it becomes available.

Theater Squares are an important district since they help immensely with a Culture Victory. Great Works provide a lot of Tourism but you need a place to display them in and that’s where Theater Squares come in handy. You can build things like Amphitheaters and Art Museums so Great People have places to create and display their Great Works. The Drama and Poetry civic is needed so putting priority on getting this civic as quickly as possible will pay off when you finally start attracting those great People to your society.

If pursuing a Culture Victory and using Religion you’ll frequently find yourself leading for both victory types but as the game progresses those the commonalities between the two victory types drifts apart making Religion a less important aspect as the game goes on. Focusing on gaining Culture early in the game is arguably not the best strategy to pursue since Tourism isn’t a real factor in the game until much later.

Settling aggressively and building a power base instead of focusing on Wonders and Religion is another path, and probably is a better option to follow for a Culture Victory. Building Wonders at the start probably won’t pay off at first since there is relatively little Tourism going on. The production for building these could be put to better uses instead, like for building up your economy and military.

The Drama and Poetry Civic and Theater Squares are very important for a Culture Victory but so is technological research and economic power. Building a Campus District will give you additional Science points to speed up your technological research. A Commercial Hub gives your economy more gold and just as importantly it gives you another Trade Route and a Great Merchant Point per turn. International Trade Routes are good for helping with Foreign Tourism since traders tell everyone they see how great your civilization is. An international Trade Route give a 25% boost in Tourism from the civilization you are trading with.

Once you have a sound military and economic base it’s time to focus on Theater Squares and Wonders. It’s okay to build a few Wonders in the early game but not at the expense of economic progress.

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Tourism from Wonders is simple and straightforward. Any Wonder you build contributes 2 to Tourism and for each Era after it was built it increases its Tourism output by 1. Wonders are unique so it’s always a race when trying to build one. If you lose that race your investment is returned to you in the form of production.

If you established a religion then you will have a Holy City, which is the city in which your religion originated. That city will give you 8 in Tourism. Another Tourism income from religion is Relics. Each Relic gives 8 tourism per turn a well.

Great Works of Writing are an excellent source of Tourism. For each Great Work of Writing you gain 4 in Tourism. Great Works of Writing require you to recruit a Great Writer and you need to have a building available to display the work in. An Amphitheater will give you two slots to display Great Works of Writing, each worth 2 in Tourism and Culture.

Great Works of Music are created by Great Musicians and are displayed in buildings like Broadcast Centers. Coupling Great Works of Music with the Satellite Broadcast card can give a significant boost to Tourism. GreatWorks of Art and Archaeological Artifacts also generate Tourism.

The Seaside Resort generates Tourism that is equal to the appeal rating of the tile. For instance, if you build a Seaside Resort on a tile with a Breathtaking appeal of 5 it will generate 5 Tourism per turn.

National Parks can give a huge Tourism boost but the placement requirements are very strict. National Parks cover 4 tiles and provide tourism equal to the appeal of the 4 tiles it contains. Since the minimum appeal rating of any tile that can be contained in a national Park is 2, that means it can provide anywhere from 8 to 24 Tourism per turn.

  • When espionage become available use spies to steal Great Works. It has the double advantage of slowing your opponent down and speeding your progress up.
  • Try to keep plenty of woods around, or plant some. That helps with your civilization’s appeal.
  • Build Theatre Squares to help attract Great People and to produce culture.
  • Remember to get as many open borders agreements as you can. Open borders increases Tourism by 25% from another civilization.

Read about Civ 6 game modes, how to get iron, choosing where to settle, and the Civ 6 review at these pages on my website, just click on the links. You can also use the customized menu at the top of this page to see all the pages that are available for this game.

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By Dennis Scimeca

Sid Meier's Civilization 6, the next game in the long-running Civ franchise, was released on Friday. Hear that? It's the sound of a thousand PCs booting up.

Everyone who's been playing Civ over the last 25 years knows exactly how frustrating those first few turns can be. If you're a budding world leader who hasn't spent much time with the game yet, here are four things to keep in mind during your early turns in Civ 6. Ready? Let's talk strategy.


1. Actions in Civ 6 trigger much wider consequences than ever before

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Research in Civ 6 is appreciably different than research in other Civ games, and this has ramifications on how the earliest days of your civilization will go. Actions like discovering important areas or winning battles can also contribute toward research into a related field. If a unit discovers a body of water, you might be instantly granted some progress toward a sailing-related technology.

You get these bonuses even if you haven't begun researching the technology in question, which means when you do work your way up to that technology, you'll have had a head start, which speeds up the research time.

In other words, players who don't necessarily want to focus on a strong science or cultural infrastructure can still beeline the necessary Techs and Civics necessary to make a huge impact. Just identify the Tech or Civic you want to rush, figure out what triggers its eureka moment and play accordingly.

Who knows? Your warmongering Civ may get to build the Alhambra faster than that turtling Science player.

2. Simultaneous Tech and Civics research in Civ 6 opens new options faster

There are two separate research trees in Civ 6, called Tech and Civics, and doubling up your research can speed up your first 100 turns appreciably.

If you're a longtime Civ player, you've noticed that mixed in with the technological achievements that comprise most of the tech tree, there have always been items on that tech tree that feel a little out of place. Like Democracy and Communism. Those are types of governments, not democracies.

Civ 6 breaks government down into its own research category, called Civics. Each type of government you unlock can support a certain number of Policies. Policies add small bonuses to your civilization's performance, like increased production or culture generation, that can also be used to speed up progress during the early game.

3. More choices in Civ 6 means faster gameplay

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Breaking research down into two simultaneous lines means that it can feel like Civ 6 is throwing a lot more upgrades at you as normal. Compared to other Civilization games, you may find yourself making more decisions about how to build your civilization in lesser time than ever before.

How To Speed Up Civ 6

Civ 6 breaks down the decision-making on how to evolve your civilization into bite-sized chunks, however. Rather than making many decisions of major import, you have many smaller decisions to deal with on a regular basis instead.

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Rather than feeling overwhelming, this weaves the social and tech research more into the moment-to-moment gameplay, which also helps speed up those first 100 turns.

4. Give Builders in Civ 6 a rest, whether you want to or not

Gone, at least for now, are the days of having a single veteran worker automatically building roads and improvements in each of your cities. In Civ 6, builder units will exhaust themselves after each major task, like clearing a forest or building a farm.

Make sure you pay attention to how many builders you have active, and under construction, during your first 100 days. Those builders can get used up quickly. Use them efficiently, as each builder unit represents a substantial investment in resources for early game play.

Civ Vi Game Speeds

Keep in mind the need to build Districts in Civilization 6, a new mechanic in the series, when planning your builder production and city development plans.