Particularly so for the DMG. This is the left and right audio out from the CPU to capacitors 3 and 4, through resistors 5 and 6 and finally into the amp. These last two images are really straight forward. This one is the path the left audio takes from the amp, off the board, and to the headphone panel. An extensive guide, for modding your gameboy to integrate a pro-sound stereo jack for you LSDJ Chiptune lovers. The triwing screwdriver is an integral part of this mod. Nintendo use a non-standard screw on the 6 found on the outside of the case. Collector Craft Black Game Organizer Compatible with Nintendo Game Boy Cartridge, Dust Cover, Cartridge Holder, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color 4.7 out of 5 stars 143 CDN$ 19.81 CDN$ 19. An extensive guide, for modding your gameboy to integrate a pro-sound stereo jack for you LSDJ Chiptune lovers. The triwing screwdriver is an integral part of this mod. Nintendo use a non-standard screw on the 6 found on the outside of the case. Limited Edition Ariana Grande Wireless Bluetooth Cat Ear Headphone 320538 JAPAN Limited Edition Ariana $338.29 Wireless Canceling Noise Sony Headphones Black Hi-Res Mdr-1000X Mdr-1000X Hi-Res Wireless Headphones Canceling Black Sony Noise.

This blog is inactive

Tube Headphone Amp

The blog part of this website is currently inactive and is being archived for posterity. You may still want to visit other parts of this website, like the forum, wiki and file hub.

Other suggested resources:

  • The #gbdev IRC channel on EFNet.
  • Awesome GB Dev (Curated list of resources)

BGB 1.3 released

Note: This is an old post and many new versions of BGB have been released since. However, the download link below will bring you to the download section on BGB’s website where you can always find the latest version of BGB.

After a couple of months of development, BGB 1.3 was released. The two main features of this release are improved accuracy and graphics acceleration on Windows Vista and above. BGB 1.3 closely matches the real VRAM access timing behavior with sub-instruction precision. Beware (the author of BGB) now believes that BGB emulates the LCD timing of real hardware perfectly or nearly perfectly. (Here’s a list of specific things that are emulated accurately) 1.3 also supports Direct3D and OpenGL graphics output, which enables accelerated graphics output on Windows Vista and 7.

There’s also a metric shit ton of small improvements and bug fixes in various areas of the emulator and debugger. (As opposed to a long shit ton, a short shit ton, a shit ton shortweight, a shit ton longweight, or a deadweight shit ton of fixes.)
Selected improvements:

  • Memory access breakpoints were broken.
  • A bug where the currently focused panel in the debugger would lose focus when you used the arrow keys, was fixed.
  • The currently active panel is now highlighted with a gray bar on the left side.
  • Register flag checkboxes in the debugger register panel can be switched to change the current state of that flag.
  • GBC boot ROM support.
  • RTC (real time clock) saving is now compatible with VisualBoyAdvance.

(And more…)

Skate Boy Classic

Skate Boy Classic from Thorbjørn Nyander Poulsen on Vimeo.

The Skate Boy classic is an interactive sound installation, made by Christian Gjelstrup and Thorbjørn Nyander Poulsen, that provides Gameboy-generated auditory feedback to skaters as they skate through the ramp. The installation is using only a classic Gameboy (DMG) to generate the sound. To interface the Gameboy, they used LSDj in keyboard mode. The triggering mechanism in first version was realized with homemade triggers made out of cardboard and aluminum foil. In the second revision they repurposed an infraread burglar alarm sensor to trigger the sound when the unsuspecting (?) skater swooshed by.
The project is apparently part of their education on Medialogy at Aalborg University.

Yet another Gameboy emulator written in Javascript

When people want to write an emulator, Gameboy is usually the platform of choice, since it’s relatively simple, relatively common and relatively well documented. With the advent of faster Javascript interpreters and Canvas, it now seems like Gameboy emulators made in Javascript is an emerging trend.

The latest addition, tentatively called “GameBoy Online“, made by Grant Galitz, adds GBC support and primitive, pretty crappy, sound support, something the first two don’t do. It also has a fancy GUI. It seems to be slightly slower than the other two, however. Perhaps I ought to benchmark the three existing Javascript Gameboy emulators and see how they compare.

To try it, you need a ROM image. You can either enter it as base64 (Use a tool like this one to convert the file) or upload one in the user interface.

Gameboy development and music tool file archive

Gameboy Dmg Flipping Headphone Amp Replacement

I’ve just started a Gameboy development and music file archive with the aim to find and mirror Gameboy-related utilities for music and software development. Currently, the only useful section is the music tools folder, but I’m planning to expand the development tools folder as well. If you have any file that you would like to see added, or just want to comment on the idea, feel free to leave a comment here, mail me on the address given below, or join the discussion on

Thanks to Scott Evans for making Indices and thus providing useful information.

DMG replacement motheboard

Rolf is working on designing a replacement board that can accommodate a DMG CPU as well as an Atmega168 that can be used for “ArduinoBoy” (a microcontroller program that allows a Gameboy to be receive MIDI) as well as holes in the PCB for the ever so popular “ProSound” mod.

Only some DMG revisions have the chip type CPU; most have an epoxy blob type CPU. However, a SGB CPU can be used instead. Not only are they pin, and otherwise, compatible, but the SGB CPU provides a fast and silent boot process without showing the Ninty logo or playing the start-up sound.

Gameboy emulators in Javascript!

It’s often stated that JavaScript is a special-purpose language, designed for use by web sites to enable dynamic interaction. However, JavaScript is a full object-oriented programming language, and is used in arenas besides the Web: the Widgets available for recent versions of Windows and Apple’s Mac OS are implemented in JavaScript, as is the GUI for the Mozilla application suite.

With the recent introduction of the <canvas> tag to HTML, the question arises as to whether a JavaScript program is capable of emulating a system, much like desktop applications are available to emulate the Commodore 64, GameBoy Advance and other gaming consoles. The simplest way of checking whether this is viable is, of course, to write such an emulator in JavaScript.

This article sets out to implement the basis for a GameBoy emulation, by laying the groundwork for emulating each part of the physical machine. The starting point is the CPU.

This project by Imran Nazar aims to emulate a full Gameboy in Javascript using Canvas, while documenting the process.

The source code is available at his github repository, but for your convenience, there’s also an instance here that you can try out. Try replacing “” with “” for a different demo.

However, the idea isn’t new. The similarly named JSGB by Pedro Ladaria, which existed a year ago. The emulator can be tried out at that URL above. I have yet to extensively compare the two in terms of speed and functionality.

And unless my memory fails me, both of them were preceded by a much more primitive GB emulator/debugger written in Javascript which didn’t emulate graphics and only allowed you to single-step the code, that existed several years ago. Does anyone know what I’m talking about and what happened to it, if it even existed?

NES RetroVision – Gameboy on a NES cartridge

Finally a new post on this blog.
RetroVision by RetroUSB is half a Gameboy attached to a NES cartridge which converts the display data into something the NES display using magic programmable logic, much like Super Gameboy for SNES or or Nintendo’s Demo Boy which was used in stores to showcase Gameboy games. The RetroVision does contain an authentic DMG motherboard; there are even holes in the cartridge for the link port and headphone output, although the sound is supposedly routed to the NES as well.

Here’s my own criticism/nitpicking of the product:

  • It lacks screen stretching. While I of course understand that this would take some effort, especially with the 3/2 zoom ratio needed to fill the screen, I think it would’ve greatly increased the general appeal of this product.
  • Another thing that would increase the appeal of the product for musicians would be if you offered the so called ProSound mod, i.e. bypassing the onboard amplifier which gives a slightly better sound quality. Perhaps with RCA sound outputs.
  • You could probably simplify the manufacturing process a bit by using a ribbon cable instead of individual wires for the video signal.
  • Away with the DMG’s power regulator board! There’s absolutely no reason to keep it, but one good reason to throw it away, namely that it produces noise. The NES should supply a perfectly adequate 5V while the (nominal) -18V isn’t needed since the LCD isn’t there anymore.

The RetroVision will sell for $130, but so far only 4 units have been produced because of the intricate manual assembly process. BunnyBoy of RetroUSB doesn’t expect this to a big seller, but more of a platform to build other future products on.

SGB bootstrap ROM dumped by Costis

About 6 years ago Neviksti managed to dump the internal 256 byte bootstrap ROM used by the DMG (First model Game Boy) to scroll down Nintendo logo, play the po-ling sound and confirm that the cartridge header is in order before allowing the cartridge to be executed. He did so by opening up the epoxy covering the chip and reading out the memory visually bit by bit though a microscope. This was groundbreaking because there was no ordinary way to read the ROM as it was shut off by an internal register after boot-up.

Just the other day, costis dumped the corresponding ROM image from the SGB (Super Game Boy) with a slightly different method, namely clock glitching. Costis’ method is using an FPGA to run the system clock normally up until the point where the protection register is to be written. At that point the clock frequency is increased to such a fast speed that the write is ignored by the protection register and the execution continues into the user code, which then dumps the 256 byte big code. The operation was surprisingly painless according to costis himself. Next up is the GBC which is believed to have a bootstrap ROM bigger than 256 since its start-up procedure is much more advanced, distinguishing between GBC and DMG, and letting the user choose palettes for monochrome games.

For more info, see costis’ SGB hack page.

New server + wiki editing is now moved to a new server. Because of this, I’ve now been able to update MediaWiki to the latest version which will hopefully make some minor things work better.

It’s also possible to edit the Game Boy Development wiki again. To get access to editing the wiki you first need to register a forum account. When you have activated your forum account, use the same username and password to log in to the wiki. We apologize for the extra step in the registration process, but we’d like to keep the wiki completely spam free.
The purpose of the wiki is to collect, archive and preserve information, documents and tutorials related to Game Boy development, as such resources are slowly vanishing from the internet. Tutorials, example code, obscure tech documents that you have lying around, anything is welcome.

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Gameboy Dmg Flipping Headphone Amp Replacement Battery

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Seattle, WA


Hay folks,
I got something to share:
This is a scan of the main logic board for the DMG 01. I had been wanting an image like this for a while, and decided to make it myself. I started removing components before I had the necessary equipment, so some things aren't as pretty as they could be, but I nit-pick.
My motivation for what became a massive project started when I saw some minor inconsistencies between the only information I could find (which is right here) and what I was seeing while reverse-engineering the poor gameboy you see to the left, but it was more than enough for me to get started. I'll explain more of my motivations later. But now you get to see the fruits of my labor!

Gameboy Dmg Flipping Headphone Amp Replacement Parts

(1890 x 1854, 6.13 MB)
Aaaand this is the back. Without the copper sticker of questionable purpose. (I'll have other quandaries some of you may be able to answer later.

(1890 x 1854, 5.82 MB)
Before I go any further, please know this is the first revision. Everything looks right to my eyes, but they may not be as trained as some of yours. Let me know what may need to be corrected.
The biggest thing I wanted when drafting these documents was transparency. I wanted all this to be understandable to someone with only basic understanding of what circuits are and how they work. I'll give a crash course later in this topic on how to read this schematic if you're having troubles.

(The rest of these images are a lot smaller than the photos, but at beautiful 3125 resolution - just so you can thoroughly appreciate the detail)

Gameboy Dmg Flipping Headphone Amp Replacement Youtube

<smug> This is it, folks. All of it. Everything. All 80 hours of work, plus or minus (I'd rather not think about it). The usefulness of this image is less than the others because it's so detailed. But I must show the detail nevertheless.</smug>
This does give me the opportunity to tell you a little about the prints you're looking at (or whatever they're called in digital format).
Source: The gameboy I dissembled had an early production of the sixth revision of the CPU PCB. I know this because I am only the second owner of this gameboy. The gentleman I bought this from sold me his and his brother's, saying he had gotten his, from the store, soon after his brother had gotten his. His brother's has a revision five. I can spot a few differences between them, but they're small things that shouldn't matter.
Accuracy: The scans I made had some distortion because it didn't lay perfectly flat against the glass. I corrected this in Photoshop by re-distorting the image. I didn't get it perfect - as in: there's a total of 0.4mm of drift in the image, I hope you can deal with that. I did attempt to get things as accurate as I could. The initial draft followed the image to a minimum of 1/20th of a mm. I then went back through and took some liberties with spacing. There are only a couple places that bother me, but I doubt any of you are looking that closely.
Applicability: If you were to make this board as I've shown and soldered all the bits to it, would it work? Yes. Would it fit in your DMG case? Yes, but it'd be a little snug. Why did I do this? Haha, silence... I mean, science!

Gameboy Dmg Flipping Headphone Amp Replacement Cord

This is the more reasonable 'fully loaded' version. This shows just the traces of the front (in red), back (in blue), and silk screening (in white). The font isn't the same, because there's a level of absurdity even I can anticipate. I didn't split as many hairs with the silk as with the traces (the red/blue bits) - the purpose of this image is to cross reference the location and orientation of the components because I left the silk out of the rest of the plans for clarity. If you're not sure what the symbols, abbreviations, or values are - look for a crash-course later in this topic.

This is for general reference. Just the traces as seen from the front. I should note that the front is red, and the back is shown all 'x-ray' like in blue.

Because I know not everyone has spent the hours staring at this that I have, I anticipate some of you will still find the previous plan confusing, or only happen to care about one side of the board for some reason. This is the front, the whole front, and nothing but the front...

... and the back. This image shows the back as it is viewed from the back - not inverted as it is in the rest of the plans.

OK, now for some more technically relevant information. There are three major things I wanted to communicate with these plans. This is part of one of them: How power enters the circuit. The highlighted traces is the path from the positive terminal on the battery bay to the DC power jack. Why? Because there is an important break in the circuit at this point. When external power is provided via this jack, the gameboy is kind enough to stop sapping your batteries of their life juice. It does this by having a switch in the jack itself. That means that if you're modding your GB and want to draw power from somewhere, you can't draw it from this path if you're using the external DC jack. This is the type of thing I know I'd end up raging about if I needed to troubleshoot. That's why this is here.
(It might still work if you have batteries installed, but you run the risk of overheating/leaking/exploding/etc. the batteries depending on the configuration if you also have the external power plugged in. Something about messing with the chemical reaction occurring in the batteries. Just something to keep in mind.)

The second leg of the power's journey is shown here. The circuit at this point assumes it has power. It travels from the DC jack up to the switch that we all know makes the 'buh-ding' happen. That switch is an inverted 'single pole double throw' switch. Which means that when you flip the switch, two things are happening. When in the 'on' state, the switch completes the circuit between the bottom 2 pins, and only the bottom 2 pins. When it is 'off', it completes the circuit for the top 2 pins, and only the top 2 pins.
Then something interesting occurs. The power for most of the circuit leaves this board and runs off to another one (which I'm sure is the power regulator, but I haven't taken that apart yet). What's interesting is that this unregulated power runs off to the 2nd pin of the flex cable that goes to your screen's circuit board, and another part branches off to the 4th pin of the amp. So, yeah. That's a thing.

What I assume is the regulated power re-enters the board just a few holes below the point it left, and makes a highway-loop around most everything. This is where I recommend pulling power from, which is fairly convenient because it's mostly on the back, so it's easy to follow. Everything labeled VCC on the schematic comes directly from this.

As with every yin, there is a yang. For every high there is a low. Every positive, a negative. And for every VCC, there is a GND. As you can see, the grounding plain is quite sizable, so there you go. The VCCs and GNDs are the second thing I wanted to communicate with you folks. Have at it.

The third and final thing I wanted to show you is how the CPU gets the amp to make all the 'bleeps' and 'bloops' everyone here has come to love. Particularly so for the DMG. This is the left and right audio out from the CPU to capacitors 3 and 4, through resistors 5 and 6 and finally into the amp.

These last two images are really straight forward. This one is the path the left audio takes from the amp, off the board, and to the headphone panel.

And this is showing the right audio doing the same.
While you're looking, see if you can follow the trace from pin 3 on the amp to pin 20 on the flex cable socket going to the screen's board. That's the summed mono audio heading to the speaker on the bottom right of the gameboy.

So, yeah. That's about it for that. Enjoy!

Also, hi. I'm new here

Last edited by bit 9 (Aug 24, 2014 2:25 am)